1825 is best date I can determine from The Economic History of Paris
French in bottom left and right states:
"Remarque: Paris Et Ses Environs Contenant
Tout le Departement de la Seine
Ce departement a'24 lieues quarees.
Sa population de 800 milles habitans dont 700000 pour paris.
Sa contribution Fonciere est de 10296000.
fr personelle 4177400 porte et Fenetres.
1443926 centine additionnels 2315744. Total 18233070 fr."
"Note: Paris And Its Surroundings Containing
The Entire Seine Departement
"This department has 24 square leagues. Its population of 800,000 inhabitants, including 700,000 in Paris. Its Fonciere contribution is 10296000. Fench personal 4177400 Porte et Fenetres. 1443926 additional centine 2315744. Total 18233070 French."
3 inch X 4 ½ inch booklet cover
Very Good condition
Two slight cuts at bends in paper
No other damages noted
(see pictures)